Spreadsheet 2000 Demo This is a demo version of Spreadsheet 2000™ (S2K) from Casady & Greene, Inc. S2K is a new visual, object oriented way to do numeric calculations. It allows you to do many of the same types of calculations you would do with a traditional spreadsheet, except that all your calculations are explicit and visible. We hope that you will find the product easier and more fun to use than a traditional spreadsheet. S2K also includes a number of pre-built “solutions” to common problems. You can use these solution templates to help you get started with many types of calculations. This demo version will let you try out most features of the product. We hope you’ll like it. The demo has all of the full product’s features with the following exceptions: 1. Save is disabled. 2. Printed pages include a special notice and only print the current report. 3. The full version has more online help. 4. The full version includes more operator palettes and pre-built Solution Templates. 5. The full version includes numerous sample documents. Getting Started We recommend you start by opening the document called "Let’s Keep It Simple Spreadsheet Mini-Manual" or the “Spreadsheet 2000 Mini-Manual” both available online from our website. The "mini-manual" contains some tutorials which will help you get started. The full version of Spreadsheet 2000 comes with a complete printed manual which includes many more tutorials and a complete reference section. You can also try out the online help. Most items on the screen have balloon help. You can turn on balloon help by clicking the ? icon on the toolbar. You can also use the Apple Guide. Look under the ? menu at the far right hand side of the menu bar. For more information on Spreadsheet 2000 please contact Casady & Greene. You can also find a list of frequently asked questions on-line at . Casady & Greene, Inc. 22734 Portola Drive Salinas, CA 93908-1119 (408) 484-9228 (408) 484-9218 (FAX) Internet email: C&G@casadyg.com Technical Support (408) 484-9228 (408) 484-9218 (FAX) 8:30am-4:30pm PST Monday-Friday Internet email: tech@casadyg.com Sales (800) 359-4920 (800) 359-4264 (FAX) 8am - 5pm PST Monday-Friday Internet email: sales@casadyg.com International Sales (408) 484-9228 (408) 484-9218 (FAX) 8am - 5pm PST (1600 - 0100 GMT) Monday-Friday Internet email: sales@casadyg.com Visit our World Wide Web site! Contains all the hottest information, latest software updates, product demos, cool links and much more! http://www.casadyg.com We can also be contacted on the following services: Compuserve Email: 71333,616 Compuserve Forum: GO CASADY